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Trisha Sohm's Profile


Trisha Sohm


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About Me

Educational History:

Graduated from Spearville High School in 1992

Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Newman University

Graduated with a Masters with an emphasis in Reading Specialist from Emporia State University 

Current Position:

This is my first year at Andale Middle School. I have been teaching for 21 years from Kindergarten to Middle School. I have  15 years of experience in the Middle School Level as an ELA teacher. I am currently teaching 6 th and 7 th grade reading  and 8 th grade writing. 

Family Information:

I am married to Christopher Sohm and we have two beautiful daughters. Taylor and her husband Gavin teach and coach at Northwest High School in Wichita. Our youngest daughter, Brooke, works at Renew Hair Salon in Dodge City as a Beautician. We have two cats, Tiggy and Keiko.

Personal Information:

I love reading, spending time with family and friends plus I enjoy playing volleyball.

Trisha Sohm

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